Experimenting With VisionOS

UX/UI Design




It was announced that Apple would be releasing a new operating system called VisionOS. Their new headset, the VisionPro, will utilize this technology. While wearing this headset, users will be able to view an augmented reality (AR) experience. If you had this headset on and watched your favorite movie or browsed through your photo gallery, you would feel as if you were immersed in your memories. For better or worse, this tech is here to stay.

This technology opens the door to creating products that push the boundaries of design to new and unknown heights. That gave me an opportunity to have some fun, create new experiences, and imagine how things might look using VisionPro with some of my favorite products already available.


Given this unprecedented opportunity, the full extent of Apple's creation remains unknown. My plan is to start from within the box and gradually expand outward.

Goals and Opportunities

I created this project for fun, but I'm open to collaborating, gathering feedback, and exploring more exciting possibilities. As technology advances, I'm excited to design nerdy creations and contribute to our changing world.


The first thing that comes to mind is putting on this headset and immersing yourself in Planet Earth. By immersing you in content, this headset pushes your view into the content like never before.

Key points I'm curious about:

→ What will the interaction patterns be when someone wants to expand the screen to fill the entire field of view?

→ Will the user's movement cause dizziness or pause movies when motion is detected?

→ Will companies such as Netflix need to completely redesign their apps or just make minor adjustments for the new viewport?

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